Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary Test Open World Unit 1


voci test zur unit 1 mit verschiedenen wortschatz übungen
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Fabienne von Lanthen
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Vocabulary Test: Open World 1, Unit 1 Date: Name: Points:/ 16 Grade: 1. Translation (4 P.) English German perfekter Sitz Hin- und Rückfahrkarte take action Verdächtige/-r 2. Translate and fill in the gaps. (12 P.) einen Unterschied machen teuer Boot Mahlzeit austauschen bar Passagier Traditionen (Mehrzahl) sicher Reise freundlich neben a. Harry: How about we numbers? Susan: Sounds good! Let me grab my phone so can save your number. b. Have safe and please text me when you land! c. Avoid walking alone at night. Some streets are not . d. Attention, all airline : Please do not leave your bag unattended while you use the restroom or wait in line for your boarding pass. e. Ill show you you can easily cook in only 10 minutes. f. Every culture has its own . g. It doesnt if you book ahead or not. The flight costs the same. h. Do you pay by credit card or ? i. The tourist was not at all. He shouted at everyone. j. Are you visiting other places Edinburgh? k. The tickets are more during the rush hour. l. They offer guided tours. 1. Harry: How about we exchange numbers? Susan: Sounds good! Let me grab my phone so can save your number. 2. Have safe journey and please text me when you land! 3. The hostel is only three kilometers away. We can easily walk there! 4. She looked him straight in the eye and told him: love you. 5. Avoid walking alone at night. Some streets are not safe. 6. must have left my handbag on the train. 7. Attention, all airline passengers: Please do not leave your bag unattended while you use the restroom or wait in line for your boarding pass. 8. Ill show you meal you can easily make in only 10 minutes. 9. If you miss your connection, your ticket will be refunded ( paid back). 1. Every culture has its own traditions. 2. The suspects wear dark clothing and are believed to be aged 14-16 years. 3. Who discovered America? 4. It doesnt make difference if you book ahead or not. The flight costs the same. 5. Do you pay by credit card or in cash? 6. The tourist was not friendly at all. He shouted at everyone. 7. Are you visiting other places besides Edinburgh? 8. The police officer told me that this is safe place to visit. 9. The tickets are more expensive during the rush hour. 10. They offer guided boat tours. 1. Du hast Glück! Es gibt einen direkten Anschluss zu Edinburgh. You are lucky! There is direct connection to Edinburgh. 2. Der Führer braucht unsere E-Mail-Adressen. The guide needs our email addresses. 3. Das Schloss ist in der Nähe. The castle is nearby. 4. Ich brauche nur eine Einzelfahrkarte nach London. just need single (ticket) to London. 5. Sie kann sich in Jugendherbergen nicht entspannen. She cannot relax in youth hostels.